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Forum «La Bienal y su premiación», 1991
Jorge Dávila [curator], Carlos Reyes [jury member] and Monika Kuver[art historian], October 17, 1991,Cuenca, Ecuador [Spanish].
Lectures «¿Porqué el performances?», 2006
Teresa Hernández, Prof.María de Mater O'Neill, Prof.Mara Negrón and Prof.Lola Aponte, moderator Prof.Viveca Vázquez, January 25, 2006, Facultad Estudios Generales, Departamento de Humanidades, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras. [Spanish].
Conferences about performance's presences in others disciplines such as painting and literature. O'Neill lecture examine historical references - Pollock and Klein - as well her works: «Colors (to Donna Summer)», «Pink (To Monroe)» and «Enable Blue»; and others, using as a point of departure Rosalind Krauss 1979's essay «Sculpture in the Expanded Field». She also critical of artist's identity construction. At the end of her intervention there is a small question and answer session first with artist Awilda Sterling followed by theather professor Rosa Luisa Marquez about «Pink (To Monroe)» and «Enable Blue» .
Round Table «Colectivos de artistas», 2006
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico, Wednesday, February 8, 2006 [Spanish].
Round Table about artist collectives. Moderator Margarita Fernández Zavala, Nelsón Sambolín (from «Bija», a political-poster group from the 70s), Roberto Lizano (from «Bocaracá», collective from Costa Rica), and «DESTO» (new collective from Puerto Rico).O'Neill talks about her experience in «Asociación de Mujeres Artistas» and the «Quenepón». Full audio is available at Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico.
Conferences «El jíbaro en el arte puertorriqueño: la cultura a punto de extinción», 2006
Prof. Mercedes Trelles Hernández, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Thursday, March 16, 2006 [Spanish].
On panel «El campo de la ciudad, la ciudad del campo: maniobras de lo rural y lo urbano en la cultura puertorriqueña», Latin American Studies Association International 2006 Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Prof. Trelles Hernández discussed the construction of "el jíbaro" (mountain farmer) departing from Ramón Frade's painting «El Pan nuestro» («Our Bread»,1905). O'Neills 's painting «Ella, la más artista de todos» is an appropriation of Frades iconographical work.
Guided tour «Autocontemplación», 2006
Museo de Historia, Antropología y Arte, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras, Wednesday, June 21, 2006 [Spanish].
Guided tour about self-portraits, due to exhibition «Auto contemplación: Autorretratos en pintura», Moderator Lisa Ortega, Daniel Lind, Néstor Millán and Nick Quijano. Guided tour with an active participation from the audience, among them, painter Rafi Trelles, Prof. Sonia Cabanilla (also editor of Revista Cupey, Universidad Metropolitana), Prof.Ivette Fred and Prof. Liliana Ramos. O'Neill discuss «Autorretrato Núm.1» (1986) and changes in her present works. In Lind's intervention, there is a interesting coment about the myth of self-portraits by Prof. Ramos. In Millan's intervention, at the end, there is a back and forth debate between Trelles, Prof. Fred and O'Neill about her resitances of painting as lexis and the role of the ineffable. In Quijano's, at the end, there is a comment of Prof. Cabanillas referring to Millan's self-portrait.
Technical talks about the artist's work, 2006
«Círculo de las Artes», Museo de Arte de Ponce, [Spanish].
O'Neill explained the technical process for the print «Enable Blue (flat mode)», as well others techniques used in her paintings.
Round Table, «Muestra Nacional de Arte», 2006
Salas de Arte, Universidad Sagrado Corazón, Friday, December 15, 2006 [Spanish].
Round Table about the exhibition. Moderator Elaine Delgado (Director of Artes Plásticas, ICP), artist Rafael Rivera Rosa, Carmelo Fontaner (jury member), and Quintín Rivera Toro (Director of «Area», Alternative Space, Caguas). Active participation by artist Néstor Otero, which O'Neill reacts to, follow by Rivera Rosa respond. Rivera Rosa first intervention is about the role of the art critic, other topics where the role of government cultural institution, difficulty in the continuity of private cultural projects (Quintín Rivera Toro) and artist/teacher tradition in Puerto Rico. Audio is a little bit muddy, due that the activity was on an open space.
Parallels activities around mid career exhibition, 2007
«Artist Interrupted: From Post to After», February 2 until April 22, 2007 [Spanish].
Radio show «1,2,3 Probando» interview, Artist Antonio Martorell and theather director Prof.Rosa Luisa Marquez's radio show at Radio Universidad, 89.7 FM (2 parts). Recorded on Tuesday, February 13, and broadcasted on Friday, February 23. Short introduction of Prof. Margarita Fernández Závala's guided tour at the MAPR (Wednesday, February 28). A short foreword before a corporal movement workshop given by choreographer Prof. Viveca Vázquez (Saturday, March 10). Vázquez speak about the importance of the interdisciplinary knowledge for an artist work; her professional relationship with O'Neill and her influence over the painter's works. Vásquez points out the corporal presence in the Self-portrait series and the most recent paintings. Workshop was done around the act of seeing and the position of the spectator’s body and posture. Prof. Liliana Ramos's Guided Tour at the MAPR (Wednesday, April 11), two parts audio. (First part) Ramos discuss the artist approach to the material, O'Neill interest in classical pictorial themes, and emphasis in the series of self-portrait and the maps. On the second part, Ramos discuss the comics series and the latest paintings. Final thoughts by the curator Elaine King to the artist just before the closing of the show, (English, Saturday, April 21).
©2008 - María de Mater O'Neill